Dear Maury Families,
Polite Piggy’s Day Camp (preschool through K) & SYSTEM’s (Grades one and up) will hold registration for school year 2014-2015 before and aftercare on the following dates and times:
August 4th through 8th: 8 am to 6 pm daily
August 11th through 14th/(not enrolling 8/15): 8 am to 6 pm daily
August 25th through 29th: 7:30 am to 9:30 am or after 4 pm daily
September 2nd: 7:30-9:30 am (NO AFTERNOON REGISTRATION ON THIS DATE)
September 3rd through the end of the school year: Registration daily 4 pm to 6 pm pending space available in program
Please Bring Copies of the Following Documents/Items For Us To Keep (all docs and payment)/View(ID ONLY):
(No application is considered complete without the 6 items listed below)
- 100% Completed application
- Proof of Relationship
- Parent(s) registering must show state issued identification (we do not keep a copy)
- Proof of Income if Your Family is Using the Sliding Pay Scale (you must provide one or more of the following: last 3 paystubs for all parents in household, TANF verification within the last 30 days, unemployment documentation and/or any SSI or Child Support subsidies which must also include paystubs or other form of income verification for the parent). If your family is waiving the sliding scale, no income verification is needed and the full tuition will be charged.
- Proof of Residency
- The first weekly, biweekly or monthly payment (families choose frequency of payment) for services is due at registration (check, cash or money order only).
- If your family registers for before/aftercare after August 11th, there is up to a two day admission processing time. When registering, the administrator will indicate your start date. This permits Polite Piggy’s/SYSTEM’s administrators to add your child to teacher rosters and process the application.
- If your family is placed on the waiting list, you will receive an email from an administrator confirming your child’s start date when a space is available. The space will only be held for 48 hours after notification.
- If the custodial parent(s) are not present during registration, a notarized letter must be brought at the time of registration indicating the person has permission to register your child. A copy of the custodial parent(s) state issued identification must be included as well as the registering person must show state issued identification and all required documents and payment.
- If there are any medication plans (asthma pump or EpiPen), learning or custody matters that we should be made aware of, please include a letter accompanying the application as well as any court or doctor provided documentation. If there are custody calendars for pick up, please provide the court/mediation calendar at the time of registration as well.
- Please consider in advance how many days you will use before/aftercare and indicate the days on the application. We base staffing and grouping on these numbers.
- No incomplete registration documents/payments will be kept. All documents/payments must come completed together at the time of registration.
VanNessa Duckett