LSAT Meeting Notes
May 21 @ 7:30 am
Sean Dillon, VanNessa Duckett, Patrick Koontz, Maria Maya, Elizabeth Nelson, Helena Payne-Chauvenet, Norah Rabiah, Abby Sparrow, Susan Wall, Kenyon Weaver, David Pinchotti, Quentin Floyd (Ward 5 and 6 liaison for DCPS)
1) Principal Update
Enrollment – Principal Payne-Chauvenet shared that we currently have 366 students reenrolled which is over 80% of our student body. As of now, our fifth grade enrollment numbers remain the lowest. We are still considering having one fifth grade class if the numbers stay low enough. We, however, are still planning on having two small classes.
Construction/Moving – The art installations at the new building are almost decided upon. There will be an additional mural on the outside playground that was not in the original budget. We are still waiting on final decisions regarding staff parking. Teachers are beginning to pack up their classrooms. The administrative staff will be moving to Eastern HS for the summer months.
2) Quentin Floyd, the Ward 5 and 6 liaison for DCPS, introduced himself and explained his role in DCPS.
3) Traffic Safety @ current and new building
Constitution Ave will be the car drop off lane (drivers must stay in their cars), there will be a sidewalk bump out on the corner to create a more distinct drop off lane, the street will be repainted as well.
4) Maury Name Change Update
Teachers in grades 2-5 will teach a 5-day unit on the Maury name change process before the end of the school year as a way of engaging more students in this process.
5) David Pinchotti spoke to the group about his Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that he has submitted to DCPS concerning the survey results.