On the heels of a successful coat drive (many thanks to all who participated), the Hospitality Committee is now gearing up for our annual Thanksgiving Basket Drive, where the Maury community comes together to purchase food and gift cards for Thanksgiving Baskets — working to ensure that everyone has a great holiday. This year will plan to assemble baskets for 28 families.
How you can help:
- Identify what/how you would like to contribute Each year the Hospitality Committee arranges for Maury families to sign up to buy a variety of foods to contribute to Thanksgiving Baskets for families in need. Foods on the sign up list include cranberry sauce, dried mashed potatoes, gravy, macaroni and cheese, stuffing, green beans, yams, other canned veggies, Bisquick, boxed dessert mix and gift cards to Harris Teeter, Safeway or Giant (to purchase Turkey, ham or protein of choice).
- Sign Up If you plan to participate in the drive, please click on the new and easily accessible form that can be found HERE, select the items you’d like to donate to this effort and hit submit. Note that you can see which items are most in need, to help guide your purchasing.
- Drop items off in Boxes at Maury Once you have purchased items, please bring them to Maury and place in boxes clearly labeled “Thanksgiving Basket Donations” that will be placed right inside the Maury Entrance starting Tuesday morning. (Each night these items will be moved from the boxes into plastic bins, to avoid any critters getting into them).
- Let us know if you’d like a basket Ms. Delaney and Mr. Koontz are working with the committee to help identify Maury families that will benefit from these baskets. If you’d like to receive one, please let Ms. Delaney or Mr. Koontz know.
- Help us fill the boxes! Starting Wednesday morning we will stuff bags starting around 4PM on Thursday the 16th. Please join us – the more the merrier.
Please remember to click on this link if you’d like to sign up to participate. Thanks for keeping Maury families in mind as you do your food shopping in the next week and a half.
And many thanks in advance for your help and support!
—The Hospitality Committee