What do you get when you mix 82 scientists, engineers, educators and professionals from national leading STEM organizations with then add in over 600 excited elementary learners and families? You end up with ONE amazing night of THINKING AND LEARNING! Thank you to all who came out to learn and to all who helped the event run smoothly!
Expo-visitors lined up excitedly to enter!
Words can’t possibly begin to explain this year’s event so I’ll rely on the pictures to tell the story! I don’t have pictures (yet) of all of the amazing exhibitors, but I’ll add them as I get them. If you have a picture you’d like to share, please send to vanessa.ford@dc.gov .You can also leave your feedback at http://goo.gl/forms/w6Jkwc6kS8 . In the meantime, take a look at some of the pictures and start getting excited for next year’s event!
Did you know that #STEMExpo15 was first ever DCPS event to truly follow the DCPS Recycles! Procedures? It’s true! Thanks to our DGS team, they weighed all waste, compost and recyclables and determined our outcomes on the spot! Our totals were:
Trash 3.53 lb 42%
Compost 0.63 lb 8% Recycle mixed 2.97 lb 35% Paper 1.26 lb 15% Total 8.39 lb Total diverted 58%
George Mason University’s Perception and Action Neuroscience Group with their brain waves controlled game! Check it out in action!
Einstein was also at the Expo! He walked around and held two packed shows! What a hit! I can’t wait to invite him back! His www.einsteinshow.com was so much fun!
The Semiconductor Industry Association ( and Maury dad) shared such cool work!
The Easter High School Team America Rocketry Challenge group shared their knowledge with the next generation of Ramblers!
ASHRAE National Capitol Region showed up with 8 engineers sharing their knowledge about energy and how heat travels.
The Boston Museum of Science’s “What is Nano” program and Engineering is Elementary activities.
Structural Engineers shared their knowledge of architectural design representing the Washington Architectural Foundation!
George Washington University’s hands on biology and matter table!
Johns Hopkins Applied Physical Lab and the popular 3-D printer including all the pieces he uses to put it together!
NOAA Center for Atmospheric Sciences at Howard University allowed students to explore chemistry and sound waves!
The C-STEM team from Bladensburg High School worked great with our young learners, sharing their projects and teaching them to control the robots
NASA had air pressure demonstrations, Mars rocks and 3-D Mars exploration stations… with real Mars scientists!
Friendship PCS Online allowed students to explore their extension STEM activities.
Local aquatic animals from DDOE Aquatic Resource Center
The awesome hand-made “Pink Candy Scope” from National Capitol Astronomers!
As always,Labyrinth Games and Puzzles provided amazing instruction on problems solving and collaborative games.
In addition to the exhibitions, we had three presentations from the US Forest Service and The Organization for Bat Conservation. These amazing presentations allowed visitors to get up close and personal with incredible bats!
These shows were very popular and led to long lines. Based on visitor feedback, I’ll be working to rectify “show” line situation for next year so that you can maximize your visiting time and not have to wait with tired children for the special presentations.
This year our exhibitors really outdid themselves! As I receive more pictures from visitors, I’ll add them to this blog post so stop by often. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to explore the websites of our partners and I look forward to see everyone in one year as we celebrate half a century of this event!