The Whole School Morning Meeting reminder we received this morning is old – the meeting will be this Friday, May 22 at 9:05 am followed by a parade. **This will also be a no-uniform day.**
Elmer’s Day Parade following this month’s meeting:
Friday May 22, 2015 has been declared Elmer’s Day at Maury Elementary! On this special day, ALL Maury students, young and old, will have a chance to celebrate their individuality by participating in a no-uniform day. Woohoo!
In art class, early childhood students have been learning about the beauty of originality with help from the story Elmer, a tale written by David McKee about a patchwork elephant. As a culmination of our elephant study and art unit on empathy, Ms. Bomba and the early childhood team would like to invite the entire school community to participate in a parade directly following our art-themed, school-wide morning meeting, to celebrate the one-of-a-kind styles and personalities of our unique students. Please assist your child with picking out a school-appropriate outfit that allows them to express their individuality to wear on Friday, May 22. Elmer was a patchwork elephant, after all, so the funkier, the better! Think mix-matched socks, fun hats and lots of color!
Our parade will take place directly following the School-Wide Morning Meeting (around 9:35 am). Early childhood classes will be accompanied by their buddy class and their teachers on a parade around the block. Students will carry their elephant sculptures with them as parents and bystanders of the parade admire their 3D construction, craftsmanship and creativity from the sidewalk. Students will return to their classrooms directly following the parade.
We hope to see you on May 22, for both our art-themed school-wide Morning Meeting at 9:00 am, followed by the inaugural Elmer’s Day Parade at Maury Elementary. We appreciate your support and if you have any questions at all, please email Ms. Bomba at or Ms. Nellie.
Thank you,
Ms. Bomba
Ms. Nellie