Hello, students, teachers, and parents! Looking for some new online resources to better your life?
1) Brittanica School (school.eb.com)
Looking for a safer alternative to Wikipedia? As part of the Maury ES family, you are invited to take advantage of the Britannica School online encyclopedia. Log-in information is as follows:
school code: 7139
user name: dcps
password: library
2) Blabberize.com
Take a picture, make a mouth, and record your voice! A great way to supplement a report with a fun visual aid, make a quick book report, or just waste a boring afternoon by making that great picture of Harry Potter you found on Google talk with a funny voice.
3) Free Rice (freerice.com)
“For every correct answer you choose, 10 grains of rice are raised to help end world hunger through the World Food Programme.” Not a scam. Not a hoax. Just a great, challenging way to actually help people around the world.