The Maury PTA is a voluntary member organization for parents, staff and community members. It is a member of the citywide DC Congress of PTAs. Dues are $15 per member. Monthly meetings are scheduled at 6:00pm on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Childcare is available.
In addition to membership dues, parents are asked to make a voluntary contribution to the PTA’s Support Our School (S.O.S.) campaign on a per child basis. The S.O.S. campaign is dedicated to a special initiative each year. The PTA dues and personnel contributions, combined with monies raised through a variety of PTA fundraising activities, typically help pay for the following:
- Teacher’s aides in some grades and during testing
- Staff a position (recess coordinator 12-13)
- Mini-grants for faculty to use for classrooms/supplies
- Resource materials (music, physical education, art, library, science, and computer technology)
- Playground and office equipment
- Special school-wide events and programs
- Other support as needed and/or voted upon by membership-at-large.
The Maury PTA body annually elects an Executive Committee; the 2012-2013 Executive Committee members are:
- President: Amy Weedon
- Vice President: Amber Scott
- Treasurer: Chantese Alston
- Secretary: Antonia Herzog
- Parliamentarian: Michelle Phipps-Evans
- Historian: Emily Paterson
The board meets monthly. Any ideas, questions, or comments must be submitted to the board through the PTA box or by email, or to a member of the board by the second Monday of each month. All parents, community members and teachers are invited to attend general body meetings. Suggestions for agenda items, or floor time, should be addressed to the board at least 3 days prior to any meeting.
The PTA also has Standing Committees to assist the school, including Academic Support, Extracurricular Support, Grants, Fundraising, Communications, School Improvement, Hospitality, Middle Schools, Room parents.
Annual School Activities/PTA fundraising/Social Activities Include:
5 W 7:45am Room Parent Orientation
13 Th 6:00pm Back to School Night
20 Th 6:00pm PTA Meeting – Launch of Ambassador Program
23 Su 1:35pm Maury at the Nats
29 Sa 8:00am Yard Sale
3 W 8:00am Walk to School Event at Lincoln Park
4 Th 6:00pm Literacy Night
18 Th 6:00pm PTA Meeting
22-26 8:15am Fall Book Fair
24 W 6:00pm PS & PK Parent Meeting
27 Sa 9:00am Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast
1 Th 6:00pm Family Fitness Night
10 Sa 10:00am Art Around the Corner Family Day (Grades 4-5)
13 W All day Picture Day
15 Th 6:00 pm PTA Meeting (Thanksgiving Basket Assembly)
16 F 6:00pm Teacher vs. Parent Basketball Fundraiser
11 Tu All day Picture Make-up Day
12 W 9:00am Open House
13 Th 6:00pm PTA Meeting
20 Th 6:00pm Winter Concert
16 W 9:00am Open House
16 W 6:15pm Open House
17 Th 6:00pm PTA Meeting
24 Th 6:00pm Think Tank Expo
30 W 9:30am Maury Spelling Bee (Grades 3-5)
6 W 6:00pm DC CAS Parent Night (Grades 2-5)
8 F 6:00pm A Journey Through Time: Celebration of Afr. Am. Heritage
14 Th 6:00pm Maury Loves Disco
18-22 All day Jump Rope for the Heart Week
20 W 9:00am Open House
21 Th 6:00pm PTA Meeting
28 Th 9:30am African American History and Heritage Program
6 W 6:00pm Mathedemics (Grades 3-5)
16 Sa 7:00pm Maury at the Market
21 Th 6:00pm PTA Meeting
27 W 6:00pm New PS/PK Family Orientation
28 Th 6:00pm Maury Family Traditions Showcase
18 Th 6:00pm PTA Meeting
3 F 6:00pm Sock Hop
6-10 all day Staff Appreciation Week
9 Th 6:00pm Sneak Peak Science Exhibit
16 Th 6:00pm PTA Meeting
23 Th 6:00pm Spring Concert
30 Th 6:00pm Maury Sports and Activities Banquet
31 F 9:30am Career Day for Students
TBA 8:30am Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast
3-7 8:15am Spring Book Fair
7 F 6:00pm Talent Show
13 Th 6:00pm PTA Meeting
14 F all day Field Day
18 Tu 10:00am 5th Grade Promotion
19 W 10:00am Kindergarten Promotion
4 Th 9:00am Capitol Hill Fourth of July Parade