Latest News on Modernization
The Maury Elementary School buildings will undergo renovation from January 2018 through August 2019.
Revised design concept for renovated Maury. Architects have revised the design concept based on SIT/community feedback. Submit your comments through December 18 (9 am).
Maury Village @ Eliot-Hine is ready for move-in! Workers are adding the finishing touches, and many boxes have already been moved in. See maps and review drop off/pickup procedures.
Final move date on Friday, December 22. There are several teachers who don’t have room parents, and really could use some assistance. If you can help, please contact Mr. Koontz.
No school on January 3; day camp available. Maury students will have an additional day of winter break on January 3 so teachers can set up their new classrooms; classes will start at Maury Village on Thursday, January 4. Grade 5 families will be hosting a day camp on January 3 as a Space Camp fundraiser! Full-day and part-day camp options available—please register by December 20; drop-ins will incur an additional $5 fee. (Camp Shenanigans is also offering a camp for Maury on January 3.)
Daily schedule and drop-off/pickup. Maury Village will open at 8:15 am, and school will be dismissed at 3:15 pm. Please review the drop-off/pickup procedures; more information available on the Maury Village page.
Walking schoolbus. Groups of 5–10 families are forming “walking schoolbuses” to get to Maury Village. Under this model, the parents of one or two families escort all of the families’ children to and from school one day a week, limiting the daily impact of the new commute on families. For more information, contact Amber Gove or Bill Schultheiss.