Dyslexia Awareness and Simulation Workshop

Does your child struggle with reading?

It could be dyslexia. People often think that dyslexia has something to do with seeing letters or words written backward, upside down, moving around or off the page. In fact, most dyslexics don’t see words any differently than others might. Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability, which means that it is harder to learn certain language-based skills, particularly reading.

Experience what dyslexia feels like. Please join us for a dyslexia simulation workshop to experience first-hand how a child with dyslexia views the world. Teachers from the Reading Learning and Literacy Center will show how dyslexia affects memory and sequencing skills, reading, and even hearing the difference between sounds in spoken words.

Learn the early signs of dyslexia and how to help. Parents will learn the early signs of dyslexia and get helpful tips on how to work with struggling readers. The workshop will also discuss the early signs of dysgraphia, or difficulty with writing.

Getting help early makes a difference. If your child is struggling, please join us to learn more.

Dyslexia Awareness and Simulation Workshop

Tuesday, December 4  •  6 – 8 pm

Maury Elementary School
1840 Constitution Avenue NE

Workshop space is limited; sign up today!

Questions? Please contact Liz Campbell.